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the viewers

I hope people who are unable to see my art in real life can get a feeling of what it is like to see my exhibition by reading the real voices from the actual viewers who came to my solo exhibition "Liebes Leben/ Dear Life", 19.09.19-15.11.19 at the Bibliothek Steinhausen in Canton Zug, Switzerland. Thank you.


"In love with Yuko Adachi's beautiful exhibition. A great artist and an incredible person.
Art full of life and joy. Thank you Yuko Adachi for bringing colors to Zug."

-R.Garcia, Spain


"Your art is wonderful! I really loved it!! For me it literally felt like inhaling happiness and joy!!! Amazing how your paintings are able to inspire and move people like that! I've heard nothing but extremely positive reactions about your expo."

-E.Poliard, Belgium


"Yuko, your artworks are so incredible! Especially, seeing the original artworks in person, they are over flowing with so much energy and power that they are strikingly  beautiful that I wanted to cry, but I withheld my feelings.  The beautiful colors of the individual tiny dots and how colors change from one part to the other...;  it is simply breathtaking.  I am genuinely happy that I was able to see your art.  It was truly an exceptional exhibition that touched me deeply in my heart. Thank you for giving me this spectacular experience."

-Y.Kobayashi, Japan


"I am so in love with your paintings, so inspiring and I know that's you who you are inside, beautiful soul!  Congratulations for being brave and sharing with all of us the beautiful part of you! Much love and lots of success."

-Joeli De Haan, Brazil

"I was very moved with the artwork and could feel your hard and passionate work."

-S.Park, Korea


"Dear Yuko, Your Vernissage was a wake up call for me. In the past few years, I have been feeling like as if I were living in a dark hole.  My head is busy with thoughts, but I did not feel motivated to live my life to the fullest. I was taking a path of neglecting the potential of what life has to offer.  After having heard you speak publicly at the Vernissage, it made me realize that I can also possibly do something for the better! Your speech was powerful and inspiring! Life is simple! Life is beautiful with full of Love. I am so grateful to you.  Your speech and your artworks, everything in the exhibition is overflowing with positive messages! "


"I have to say I was really impressed by what you exposed!! I hope it is another step to become our favorite Swiss artist."

-Ann, France


"My heartiest congratulations to you on your grand success. The exhibition was marvelous. I thoroughly enjoyed each and every piece of art.  All the paintings had so much depth.  You are really very talented.  It is not easy to put your feelings on paper but you did it very well dear."

-Amita Vinaik, India

"What a Vernissage! It was packed with people with great energy! Congratulations! Despite taking caring of  your small children, to be able to realize a solo exhibition of this caliber is impressive. It confirmed me how deeply dedicated you are as an artist! I also learnt the fact that to see so many people at the venue, it showcased how you treat people with care and  respect in your daily life, and how much you are loved by people!!  I need to come back and see your exhibition again when it is quiet.  I look forward to it."

-M.W, Japan

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